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The Real You

host Petre Barlea

The Real You podcast gives its listeners a deeper insight into themselves and the world they live in – by exploring the depths of psychology and human behaviour, while dispelling myths and going beyond the holograms projected by pop culture and marketing.

Every episode is thought out to give listeners practicalactionable insights they can use immediately to improve their life and business. Topics covered range from relationship dynamics to personal finances and from overcoming panic attacks to executive coaching.

Petre-Tudor Barlea is a psychologist and digital marketer with 6 years experience as a psychotherapist both in private practice and in a mental health clinic. Digital marketer since 2007 with experience raning from media (Kiss FM) to cryptocurrency/ blockchain (TheMine.io). Landscape photography enthusiast and neuromarketing geek.

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1.1k (listeners)

2.7k (YT views)

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